
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tips for maintaining your wooden floor

If you choose to install wooden floor, then you have a wise decision. Rarely can find something elegant, classic, and furniture is in itself the same time.

Unfortunately it can, and will, if you are not aware of the do's and don'ts of hardwood floors.

How difficult it is, the hardwood is a delicate material, but does not require expensive tools to hold, which is actually easier to clean than carpets and mats. All you have to remember is in hardwood is the real secret of his glorious impact on your house hold is prevention.

Sweeping the

This should be a daily routine, and do it with a brush broom if you do not want the tips to the surface of your floor damage.


Done at least once a week, vacuuming is a good way to clean hardwood. Be careful with brushes, because it tends to mark the floor. Rugs and carpets are essential, because they ignore the dirt will get trapped underneath and damage the wood.

Damp mop

Water seeps in wet mopping hardwood and weaken, sometimes resulting dark surfaces where water has formed. To avoid this, clean up spills immediately.


This is a serious shortcoming in cleaning hardwood, because it makes the wax layer and into the wood. If you must scrub for reading this, reapply the protective layer.


If nothing seems to be enough to get that stubborn stain paper to remove sand will surely deliver. After grinding, however, that the coating or sealant application in the field.

The ammonia and chlorine

If you are reading this, chances are, you are either in love with their homes, especially the variety of grains and colors in exotic wood floors, because they tend to immerse themselves in the colors red and brown with time .

The ammonia and chlorine thus increased his enemies. Using this discoloration of the wood, creating a work of art like no faded look.

Carpet Brokers

What are the most common hallways in your home? Furniture

It is the tradition to position your furniture to change for the new year or happiness to welcome in your home. Whatever your reason, and whatever the temptation, do not drag your furniture across the floor.

Purchase of footpads most frequently used tables and chairs for any real damage can be done when your children and your spouse forgets how much he means to you plant.

Oil remains

Wood floors require maintenance on the smooth surface layer to retain water and dust and to prevent adhering to the wood. Always choose cleaning products specially made from wood to the best effect in your cleaning regime to get.


Ammonia and chlorine are not the only things that can discolor the hardwood.

The ozone layer is thinning. As harmful to humans, exposure to UV rays also damage hardwood floors.

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