Hospitals and hotels have a secret for years: they put the ozone layer to work for them to do the laundry.
While we generally associate with ozone or smog pollution, the two are not the same. In fact, the Earth naturally produces ozone in the air we breathe, but at a low level. When we pollute our environment, pollution and heat interact and higher levels of ozone, which some people are sensitive.
However, ozone is a great cleaning agent and is used for swimming pools, water systems, and even, in some cases, our cleansing diet. It is widely used because it not only cleans the dirt, but also ozone destroys pathogens, including E. coli, candida, staphylococcus, salmonella, and more. Therefore, when used in detergent compositions, not only cleans better than soap (detergent), but also disinfects.
Ozone disinfects, and when it comes into contact with many bacteria and germs, it kills or off. However, just because ozone in the wash water does not automatically mean that all pathogens are killed. Several factors affect how thoroughly disinfected, including the amount of ozone is used, how the water is cold is the size of the load, etc. In other words, the fact that the ozone layer disinfects not mean that ozone washing system is completely disinfect laundry. While the soap was replaced complete ozone, it is not proven to be replaced if necessary. And if bleach is necessary in a load of laundry, you will probably need to have a hot cycle, followed by cold cycles to execute. Normally happens bleach in hot water, but bleach can activate ozone, so money is in hot water. You can then follow that with the cold, that is when the ozone comes to cleaning.
If you do not like bleach, you can use an "all cold" hope, because ozone lasts longer in cold water. The average American family, making about 400 loads of laundry per year, usually to save about $ 40 to $ 80 per year just by eliminating hot water and warm laundry.
The average family save about another $ 40 to $ 80 per year with soap or detergent. In other words, ... a total savings of $ 80 to $ 160 on average, and in some cases can save a family $ 300 or more per year.
This is why I believe that the future of the ozone layer has been done, not only in hospitals and hotels, but also at home now that ozone laundry systems are available for homes.